Cerberus X Documentation

Module brl

The brl module is a set of utility classes and functions. More...


brl.asyncevent The asyncevent module provides core functionality for handling asynchronous (async) events.
brl.databuffer Databuffer objects provide storage for arbitrary data.
brl.datastream A datastream allows you to read and write data to and from a databuffer in a stream-like way.
brl.filestream A filestream allows you to read/write data from/to a file.
brl.httprequest The httprequest module allows you to perform http requests such as GET and POST.
brl.ringbuffer A ringbuffer is a circular FIFO buffer that wraps a DataBuffer.
brl.stream Streams are used to read or write data in a sequential manner.
brl.tcpstream A tcp stream represents a synchronous tcp connection to a host on the internet.

Detailed Discussion

The brl module is a set of utility classes and functions.

To import all modules in brl, simply add "Import brl" at the top of your program.