Cerberus X Documentation


ACos (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc cosine of x, in degrees.
ACosr (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc cosine of x, in radians.
ASin (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc sine of x, in degrees.
ASinr (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc sine of x, in radians.
ATan (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc tangent of x, in degrees.
ATan2 (Float,Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc tangent of x / y, in degrees ranging from -180 to +180.
ATan2r (Float,Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc tangent of x / y, in radians ranging from -PI to +PI.
ATanr (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the arc tangent of x, in radians.
Abs (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the absolute value of x, that is, +x if x>=0 and -x if x<0.
Abs (Int)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the absolute value of x, that is, +x if x>=0 and -x if x<0.
AccelX ()
in mojo.input.
Returns the x compononent of the acceleration applied to the device, as measured by the device's accelerometer if present.
AccelY ()
in mojo.input.
Returns the y compononent of the acceleration applied to the device, as measured by the device's accelerometer if present.
AccelZ ()
in mojo.input.
Returns the z compononent of the acceleration applied to the device, as measured by the device's accelerometer if present.
AddAsyncEventSource (IAsyncEventSource)
in brl.asyncevent.
Adds source to the global list of event sources to be processed by UpdateAsyncEvents.
AppArgs ()
in brl.process.
Returns the application startup parameters.
AppArgs ()
in os.
Returns the application startup parameters.
AppPath ()
in brl.process.
Returns the file system path of the currently running application.
AppPath ()
in os.
Returns the file system path of the currently running application.
ArrayClass (String)
in reflection.
Returns the class of an array.
AsyncActive ()
in brl.asyncevent.
Returns True if the async event is currently active.
BoolClass ()
in reflection.
Returns the class of a 'bool'.
BoxBool (Bool)
in reflection.
Creates a box object with the given value.
BoxFloat (Float)
in reflection.
Creates a box object with the given value.
BoxInt (Int)
in reflection.
Creates a box object with the given value.
BoxString (String)
in reflection.
Creates a box object with the given value.
Ceil (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the smallest integral value that is not less than x.
ChangeDir (String)
in brl.process.
Changes the current directory of the running application.
ChangeDir (String)
in os.
Changes the current directory of the running application.
ChannelState (Int)
in mojo.audio.
Returns the state of the specified audio channel: 0 if the channel is currently stopped, 1 if the channel is currently playing, 2 if the channel is currently paused or -1 if the channel state cannot be determined.
Clamp (Float,Float,Float)
in cerberus.math.
Clamps x to the range min through max inclusive.
Clamp (Int,Int,Int)
in cerberus.math.
Clamps x to the range min through max inclusive.
Cls ({Float},{Float},{Float})
in mojo.graphics.
Clears the graphics device to the specified color.
Confirm (String,String,Bool)
in brl.requesters.
Confirm activates a simple modal dialog requesting the user to select between YES and NO options.
CopyDir (String,String,Bool,Bool)
in os.
Copies the directory at srcpath to dstpath, creating dstpath if necessary.
CopyDir (String,String,{Bool},{Bool})
in brl.filesystem.
Copies the directory at srcpath to dstpath, creating dstpath if necessary.
CopyFile (String,String)
in brl.filesystem.
Copies a file from srcpath to dstpath.
CopyFile (String,String)
in os.
Copies a file from srcpath to dstpath.
Cos (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the cosine of x degrees.
Cosr (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the cosine of x radians.
CountJoysticks ({Bool})
in mojo.input.
Returns the number of connected joysticks.
CreateDir (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Create a new directory at path.
CreateDir (String)
in os.
Create a new directory at path.
CreateFile (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Creates a new file at path.
CreateImage (Int,Int,{Int},{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Creates an empty image for use with Image.WritePixels.
CurrentDir ()
in brl.process.
Returns the current directory of the currently running application.
CurrentDir ()
in os.
Returns the current directory of the currently running application.
DebugLog (String)
in cerberus.lang.
Writes message to the current debug channel.
DebugStop ()
in cerberus.lang.
Stops program execution.
DeleteDir (String)
in os.
Deletes the directory at path.
DeleteDir (String,Bool)
in os.
Deletes the directory at path.
DeleteDir (String,{Bool})
in brl.filesystem.
Deletes the directory at path.
DeleteFile (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Deletes the specified file.
DeleteFile (String)
in os.
Deletes the specified file.
DesktopMode ()
in mojo.app.
Gets the display mode used by the desktop.
DeviceHeight ()
in mojo.app.
Returns the height of the application's device window, in pixels.
DeviceHeight ()
in mojo.graphics.
***** Moved to mojo.app.DeviceHeight *****
DeviceWidth ()
in mojo.app.
Returns the width of the application's device window, in pixels.
DeviceWidth ()
in mojo.graphics.
***** Moved to mojo.app.DeviceWidth *****
DisableKeyboard ()
in mojo.input.
On the android and ios targets, this function disables the native virtual keyboard.
DisplayModes ()
in mojo.app.
Gets an array of valid fullscreen display modes for use with SetDeviceWindow.
DrawCircle (Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a circle of the given radius at coordinates x, y.
DrawEllipse (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Draws an ellipse of radii xRadius, yRadius at coordinates x, y.
DrawImage (Image,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws an image at coordinates x, y, offset by the image's handle.
DrawImage (Image,Float,Float,{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws an image at coordinates x, y, offset by the image's handle.
DrawImage9P (Image,Float,Float,Int,Float,Float,Float,{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws an 9-Patch image at coordinates x, y, offset by the image's handle.
DrawImageRect (Image,Float,Float,Int,Int,Int,Int,Float,Float,Float,{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a sub-rectangle of an image at coordinates x, y, offset by the image's handle.
DrawImageRect (Image,Float,Float,Int,Int,Int,Int,{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a sub-rectangle of an image at coordinates x, y, offset by the image's handle.
DrawLine (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a line from x1, y1 to x2, y2.
DrawOval (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Draws an oval of size width, height at coordinates x, y.
DrawPoint (Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a point at the coordinates x, y.
DrawPoly (Float[])
in mojo.graphics.
Draw a convex polygon using the provided vertices.
DrawRect (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a rectangle of size width, height at the coordinates x, y.
DrawText (String,Int,Int,{Float},{Float})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws text at coordinates x, y in the current font.
DrawText (String[],Int,Int,{Float},{Float})
in mojo.graphics.
Draws a multiline text beginning at coordinates x, y in the current font.
EnableKeyboard ()
in mojo.input.
On the android and ios targets, this function enables the native virtual keyboard.
EndApp ()
in mojo.app.
Ends the current application.
Error (String)
in cerberus.lang.
Generates a runtime error message and ends program execution.
Execute (String)
in brl.process.
Executes a shell command and returns the result.
Execute (String)
in os.
Executes a shell command and returns the result.
ExitApp (Int)
in brl.process.
Exits the application with the given return code.
ExitApp (Int)
in os.
Exits the application with the given return code.
Exp (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the base-e exponential function of x, which is the e number raised to the power x.
ExtractDir (String)
in brl.filepath.
Returns the directory part of a file path.
ExtractDir (String)
in os.
Extracts and returns the directory of a file system path.
ExtractExt (String)
in brl.filepath.
Returns the file type extension part of a file system path.
ExtractExt (String)
in os.
Extracts and returns the file type extension of a file system path.
FileSize (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Return the length of a file, in bytes, or 0 if the file does not exist.
FileSize (String)
in os.
Return the length of a file, in bytes.
FileTime (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Return the time the file was last modified, or 0 if the file does not exist.
FileTime (String)
in os.
Returns the time the file at path was last modified.
FileType (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Returns an integer representing the type of a file, one of: FILETYPE_NONE for no file, FILETYPE_FILE for a normal file, FILETYPE_DIR for a directory.
FileType (String)
in os.
Returns an integer representing the type of a file, one of: 0 for no file, 1 for a normal file, 2 for a directory.
FloatClass ()
in reflection.
Returns the class of a 'float'.
Floor (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the largest integral value that is not greater than x.
FontHeight ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the height of the current font.
GetAlpha ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the current alpha level in the range 0 to 1 inclusive.
GetBlend ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the current blend mode.
GetChar ()
in mojo.input.
Returns the character code of the next character in the keyboard character queue, or 0 if no more characters are available.
GetClass (Object)
in reflection.
Returns the ClassInfo object with the given name, or Null if no object is found.
GetClass (String)
in reflection.
Returns the ClassInfo object with the given name, or Null if no object is found.
GetClasses ()
in reflection.
Returns an array of all reflected classes.
GetColor ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the current color as a 3 component float array containg the current color's red, green and blue components respectively.
GetColor (Float[])
in mojo.graphics.
Copies the current color to color.
GetConst (String)
in reflection.
Returns the ConstInfo object with the given name, or Null if no object is found.
GetConsts ()
in reflection.
Returns an array of all consts declared at module scope.
GetDate ()
in mojo.app.
Returns the current date and time as an array of 7 integers: year, month (1-12), day (1-31), hours (0-23), minutes (0-59), seconds (0-59) and milliseconds (0-999).
GetDate (Int[])
in mojo.app.
Fills the date array with 7 integers representing the current date: year, month (1-12), day (1-31), hours (0-23), minutes (0-59), seconds (0-59) and milliseconds (0-999).
GetEnv (String)
in brl.process.
Get an environment variable.
GetEnv (String)
in os.
Gets an environment variable.
GetFont ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the current font.
GetFunction (String,ClassInfo[])
in reflection.
Returns the FunctionInfo object with the given name and parameter types, or Null if no object is found.
GetFunctions ()
in reflection.
Returns an array of all reflected functions.
GetGlobal (String)
in reflection.
Returns the GlobalInfo object with the given name, or Null if no object is found.
GetGlobals ()
in reflection.
Returns an array of all reflected globals.
GetMatrix ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the current transformation matrix as an array of 6 floats.
GetMatrix (Float[])
in mojo.graphics.
Copies the current transformation matrix to matrix.
GetScissor ()
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the current scissor rectangle as a 4 component float array containg the scissor rectangle's x,y, width and height coordinates respectively.
GetScissor (Float[])
in mojo.graphics.
Copies the current scissor rectangle to scissor.
HideMouse ()
in mojo.app.
Hides the mouse pointer if the underlying operation system supports a mouse.
HostOS ()
in os.
Returns a string describing the host operating system.
IntClass ()
in reflection.
Returns the class of an 'int'.
JoyDown (Int,{Int})
in mojo.input.
Return 1 if the specified joystick button is currently held down, else 0.
JoyHit (Int,{Int})
in mojo.input.
Return the number of times the specified joystick button has been pressed since the last OnUpdate.
JoyX ({Int},{Int})
in mojo.input.
Returns the x, or horizontal, state of a joystick.
JoyY ({Int},{Int})
in mojo.input.
Returns the y, or vertical, state of a joystick.
JoyZ ({Int},{Int})
in mojo.input.
On Playstation/Xbox style controllers, JoyZ returns the state of the analog shoulder controls.
KeyDown (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns 1 if the specified key is currently held down, otherwise 0.
KeyHit (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns the number of times the specified key has been hit since the last OnUpdate.
LoadDir (String)
in os.
Loads the file names in the directory specified by path into a string array.
LoadDir (String,Bool,{Bool})
in os.
Loads the file names in the directory specified by path into a string array.
LoadDir (String,{Bool},{Bool})
in brl.filesystem.
Loads the file names in the directory specified by path into a string array.
LoadImage (String,Int,Int,Int,{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Loads an image from path.
LoadImage (String,{Int},{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Loads an image from path.
LoadImageAsync (String,{Int},{Int},IOnLoadImageComplete)
in mojo.asyncloaders.
Begins loading an image asynchronously.
LoadImageData (String,Int[])
in opengl.gles11.
LoadImageData is a helper function that loads an image in your app's .data directory into a databuffer.
LoadImageData (String,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
LoadImageData is a helper function that loads an image in your app's .data directory into a databuffer.
LoadSound (String)
in mojo.audio.
Loads a sound from the specified path and returns it.
LoadSoundAsync (String,IOnLoadSoundComplete)
in mojo.asyncloaders.
Begins loading a sound asynchronously.
LoadState ()
in mojo.app.
Loads a string representing the application's persistant state as previously saved with SaveState.
LoadString (String)
in mojo.app.
Loads a string from path.
LoadString (String)
in os.
Loads a string from the file at path.
Log (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the natural logarithm of x.
Max (Float,Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the maximum of x and y.
Max (Int,Int)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the maximum of x and y.
Millisecs ()
in mojo.app.
Returns the number milliseconds (thousandths of a second) the application has been running.
Min (Float,Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the minimum of x and y.
Min (Int,Int)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the minimum of x and y.
MouseDown (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns 1 if the specified mouse button is currently held down, otherwise 0.
MouseHit (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns the number of times the specified mouse button has been pressed since the last OnUpdate.
MouseX ()
in mojo.input.
Returns the x coordinate of the mouse pointer.
MouseY ()
in mojo.input.
Returns the y coordinate of the mouse pointer.
MouseZ ()
in mojo.input.
Returns 1 or -1 if the mouse wheel was used since last update.
MusicState ()
in mojo.audio.
Returns 1 if music is currently playing, 0 if music is currently not playing or -1 if music state cannot be determined.
Notify (String,String,Bool)
in brl.requesters.
Notify activates a simple modal dialog informing the user of an event.
OpenUrl (String)
in mojo.app.
Opens the given url using the underlying operating system.
PauseChannel (Int)
in mojo.audio.
Pauses the specified audio channel.
PauseMusic ()
in mojo.audio.
Pauses music playback.
PeekChar (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns the character of the character at the specified index in the keyboard character queue.
PlayMusic (String,{Int})
in mojo.audio.
Plays an audio file through the internal music channel, using audio streaming if possible.
PlaySound (Sound,{Int},{Int})
in mojo.audio.
Plays a sound through the specified channel.
PopMatrix ()
in mojo.graphics.
Pops a matrix from the internal matrix stack and makes it the current matrix.
Pow (Float,Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns x raised to the power y.
Print (String)
in cerberus.lang.
Prints message to the current output channel.
Proceed (String,String,Bool)
in brl.requesters.
Proceed activates a simple modal dialog requesting the user to select between YES, NO and CANCEL options.
PushMatrix ()
in mojo.graphics.
Pushes the current matrix onto the internal matrix stack.
ReadPixels (Int[],Int,Int,Int,Int,{Int},{Int})
in mojo.graphics.
Copies a rectangular section of pixels from the current render buffer into an int array.
RealPath (String)
in brl.filesystem.
Converts path to an absolute filesystem path.
RealPath (String)
in os.
Returns the real, or 'absolute', file system path corresponding to the given path.
RemoveAsyncEventSource (IAsyncEventSource)
in brl.asyncevent.
Removes source from the global list of event sources to be processed by UpdateAsyncEvents.
RequestDir (String,{String})
in brl.requesters.
RequestDir activates a modal directory requester dialog.
RequestFile (String,{String},{Bool},{String})
in brl.requesters.
RequestFile activates a modal file requester dialog.
ResumeChannel (Int)
in mojo.audio.
Resumes the specified audio channel.
ResumeMusic ()
in mojo.audio.
Resumes music playback.
Rnd ()
in cerberus.random.
Returns a random float in the range 0 (exclusive) to 1 (exclusive).
Rnd (Float)
in cerberus.random.
Returns a random float in the range 0 (exclusive) to range (exclusive).
Rnd (Float,Float)
in cerberus.random.
Returns a random float in the range low (exclusive) to high (exclusive).
Rotate (Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix representing the specified rotation.
SaveState (String)
in mojo.app.
Saves a string representing the application's persistant state.
SaveString (String,String)
in os.
Saves str to a file specified by path.
Scale (Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix representing the specified scale.
SetAlpha (Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current global alpha level.
SetBlend (Int)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current blending mode.
SetChannelPan (Int,Float)
in mojo.audio.
Sets the pan of the specified audio channel.
SetChannelRate (Int,Float)
in mojo.audio.
Sets the playback rate of the specified audio channel.
SetChannelVolume (Int,Float)
in mojo.audio.
Sets the volume of the specified audio channel.
SetColor (Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current color.
SetColor (Int)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current color using a hex color value.
SetDeviceWindow (Int,Int,Int)
in mojo.app.
Sets the application's device window to the given width and height.
SetEnv (String,String)
in brl.process.
Set an environment variable.
SetEnv (String,String)
in os.
Sets an environment variable.
SetFont (Font)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the font for use with DrawText.
SetMatrix (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current matrix.
SetMatrix (Float[])
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current matrix.
SetMusicVolume (Float)
in mojo.audio.
Sets the music volume.
SetScissor (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Sets the current scissor rectangle to the rectangle specified by x, y, width and height.
SetSwapInterval (Int)
in mojo.app.
Attempts to change the 'swap interval' of the application's device.
SetUpdateRate (Int)
in mojo.app.
Sets the application's update rate.
Sgn (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns -1 if x is less than zero, +1 if x is greater than zero or 0 if x is equal to zero.
Sgn (Int)
in cerberus.math.
Returns -1 if x is less than zero, +1 if x is greater than zero or 0 if x is equal to zero.
ShowMouse ()
in mojo.app.
Shows the mouse pointer if the underlying operation system supports a mouse.
Sin (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the sine of x degrees.
Sinr (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the sine of x radians.
Sqrt (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the square root of x.
StopChannel (Int)
in mojo.audio.
Stops the specified audio channel.
StopMusic ()
in mojo.audio.
Stops any music currently playing.
StringClass ()
in reflection.
Returns the class of a 'string'.
StripAll (String)
in brl.filepath.
Removes both the directory and file type extension from a file path.
StripAll (String)
in os.
Removes both the directory and file extension from a file system path, returning just the file name.
StripDir (String)
in brl.filepath.
Removes the directory from a file path.
StripDir (String)
in os.
Removes the directory from a file system path, and returns the file name and extension.
StripExt (String)
in brl.filepath.
Removes the file type extension from a file path.
StripExt (String)
in os.
Extracts and returns the file extension of a file system path.
Tan (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the tangent of x degrees.
Tanr (Float)
in cerberus.math.
Returns the tangent of x radians.
TextWidth (String)
in mojo.graphics.
Returns the width of the given text.
TouchDown (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns 1 if the finger specified by index is currently touching the touchscreen, otherwise 0.
TouchHit (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns the number of times the specified finger has made contact with the touchscreen since the last OnUpdate.
TouchX (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns the x coordinate of the finger on a touch screen device.
TouchY (Int)
in mojo.input.
Returns the y coordinate of the finger on a touch screen device.
Transform (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Multiplies the current matrix by the specified matrix.
Transform (Float[])
in mojo.graphics.
Multiplies the current matrix by the specified matrix.
Translate (Float,Float)
in mojo.graphics.
Multiplies the current matrix by a matrix representing the specified translation.
UnboxBool (Object)
in reflection.
Unboxes a bool.
UnboxFloat (Object)
in reflection.
Unboxes a float.
UnboxInt (Object)
in reflection.
Unboxes an int.
UnboxString (Object)
in reflection.
Unboxes a string.
UpdateAsyncEvents ()
in brl.asyncevent.
Calls the UpdateAsyncEvents method for each event source contained in the global list of event sources.
UpdateRate ()
in mojo.app.
Returns the current update rate, as set by SetUpdateRate.
glActiveTexture (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glActiveTexture (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glAlphaFunc (Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glAttachShader (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBindAttribLocation (Int,Int,String)
in opengl.gles20.
glBindBuffer (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glBindBuffer (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBindFramebuffer (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBindRenderbuffer (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBindTexture (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glBindTexture (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBlendColor (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glBlendEquation (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBlendEquationSeparate (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBlendFunc (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glBlendFunc (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBlendFuncSeparate (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBufferData (Int,Int,DataBuffer,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glBufferData (Int,Int,DataBuffer,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glBufferSubData (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glBufferSubData (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles20.
glCheckFramebufferStatus (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glClear (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glClear (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glClearColor (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glClearColor (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glClearDepthf (Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glClearDepthf (Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glClearStencil (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glClearStencil (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glClientActiveTexture (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glClipPlanef (Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glColor4f (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glColor4ub (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glColorMask (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)
in opengl.gles11.
glColorMask (Bool,Bool,Bool,Bool)
in opengl.gles20.
glColorPointer (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glColorPointer (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glCompileShader (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glCompressedTexImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glCompressedTexSubImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glCopyTexImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glCopyTexImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glCopyTexSubImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glCopyTexSubImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glCreateBuffer ()
in opengl.gles20.
glCreateFramebuffer ()
in opengl.gles20.
glCreateProgram ()
in opengl.gles20.
glCreateRenderbuffer ()
in opengl.gles20.
glCreateShader (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glCreateTexture ()
in opengl.gles20.
glCullFace (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glCullFace (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteBuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteBuffers (Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDeleteFramebuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteProgram (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteRenderbuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteShader (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteTexture (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDeleteTextures (Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDepthFunc (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDepthFunc (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDepthMask (Bool)
in opengl.gles11.
glDepthMask (Bool)
in opengl.gles20.
glDepthRangef (Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glDepthRangef (Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glDetachShader (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDisable (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDisable (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDisableClientState (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDisableVertexAttribArray (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDrawArrays (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDrawArrays (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glDrawElements (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glDrawElements (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles20.
glDrawElements (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glDrawElements (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glEnable (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glEnable (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glEnableClientState (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glEnableVertexAttribArray (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glFinish ()
in opengl.gles11.
glFinish ()
in opengl.gles20.
glFlush ()
in opengl.gles11.
glFlush ()
in opengl.gles20.
glFogf (Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glFogfv (Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glFramebufferRenderbuffer (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glFramebufferTexture2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glFrontFace (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glFrontFace (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glFrustumf (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glGenBuffers (Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGenTextures (Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGenerateMipmap (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetActiveAttrib (Int,Int,Int[],Int[],String[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetActiveUniform (Int,Int,Int[],Int[],String[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetAttachedShaders (Int,Int,Int[],Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetAttribLocation (Int,String)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetBooleanv (Int,Bool[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetBufferParameteriv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetBufferParameteriv (Int,Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetClipPlanef (Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetError ()
in opengl.gles11.
glGetError ()
in opengl.gles20.
glGetFloatv (Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetFloatv (Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv (Int,Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetIntegerv (Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetIntegerv (Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetLightfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetMaterialfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetProgramInfoLog (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetProgramiv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetRenderbufferParameteriv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetShaderInfoLog (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetShaderSource (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetShaderiv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetString (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetString (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetTexEnvfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetTexEnviv (Int,Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetTexParameterfv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetTexParameterfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetTexParameteriv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetTexParameteriv (Int,Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glGetUniformLocation (Int,String)
in opengl.gles20.
glGetUniformfv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetUniformiv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetVertexAttribfv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glGetVertexAttribiv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glHint (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glHint (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsBuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glIsBuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsEnabled (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glIsEnabled (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsFramebuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsProgram (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsRenderbuffer (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsShader (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glIsTexture (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glIsTexture (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glLightModelf (Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glLightModelfv (Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glLightf (Int,Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glLightfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glLineWidth (Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glLineWidth (Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glLinkProgram (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glLoadIdentity ()
in opengl.gles11.
glLoadMatrixf (Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glLogicOp (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glMaterialf (Int,Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glMaterialfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glMatrixMode (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glMultMatrixf (Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glMultiTexCoord4f (Int,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glNormal3f (Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glNormalPointer (Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glNormalPointer (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glOrthof (Float,Float,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glPixelStorei (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glPixelStorei (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glPointParameterf (Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glPointSize (Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glPolygonOffset (Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glPolygonOffset (Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glPopMatrix ()
in opengl.gles11.
glPushMatrix ()
in opengl.gles11.
glReadPixels (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glReadPixels (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles20.
glReleaseShaderCompiler ()
in opengl.gles20.
glRenderbufferStorage (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glRotatef (Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glSampleCoverage (Float,Bool)
in opengl.gles11.
glSampleCoverage (Float,Bool)
in opengl.gles20.
glScalef (Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glScissor (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glScissor (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glShadeModel (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glShaderSource (Int,String)
in opengl.gles20.
glStencilFunc (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glStencilFunc (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glStencilFuncSeparate (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glStencilMask (Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glStencilMask (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glStencilMaskSeparate (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glStencilOp (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glStencilOp (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glStencilOpSeparate (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glTexCoordPointer (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexCoordPointer (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexEnvf (Int,Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexEnvfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexEnvi (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexEnviv (Int,Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles20.
glTexImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,String)
in opengl.gles20.
glTexParameterf (Int,Int,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexParameterf (Int,Int,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glTexParameterfv (Int,Int,Float[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexParameteri (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexParameteri (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glTexParameteriv (Int,Int,Int[],Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexSubImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glTexSubImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles20.
glTexSubImage2D (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,String)
in opengl.gles20.
glTranslatef (Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles11.
glUniform1f (Int,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform1fv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform1i (Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform1iv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform2f (Int,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform2fv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform2i (Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform2iv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform3f (Int,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform3fv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform3i (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform3iv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform4f (Int,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform4fv (Int,Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform4i (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glUniform4iv (Int,Int,Int[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniformMatrix2fv (Int,Int,Bool,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniformMatrix3fv (Int,Int,Bool,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUniformMatrix4fv (Int,Int,Bool,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glUseProgram (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glValidateProgram (Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib1f (Int,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib1fv (Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib2f (Int,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib2fv (Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib3f (Int,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib3fv (Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib4f (Int,Float,Float,Float,Float)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttrib4fv (Int,Float[])
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttribPointer (Int,Int,Int,Bool,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexAttribPointer (Int,Int,Int,Bool,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.
glVertexPointer (Int,Int,Int,DataBuffer)
in opengl.gles11.
glVertexPointer (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glViewport (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles11.
glViewport (Int,Int,Int,Int)
in opengl.gles20.